Impakter Magazine features The Plant Cafe Organic: A Diet for a Healthier Future

We are happy to share that our Co-founder and CEO Matthew & The Plant has been featured by Impakter Magazine in their article: The Plant Cafe Organic: A Diet for a Healthier Future, published on December 9, 2018.

Laying down the foundation of how The Plant was started, we hope that you will give this article a read as it provides insider details on the mission and values behind The Plant Cafe Organic.

Click the link to continue reading the article here!

A little bit about Impakter Magazine:

Impakter magazine started in 2014 and their mission is to “raise collective moral awareness”. Through their platform and magazine they support the 17 sustainable development goals to name just a few:

  • Affordable and Clean energy

  • Reduced inequalities

  • Sustainable cities and communities

  • Responsible consumption and production

  • To read more, check out their website.

Image credit : Impakter website

Image credit : Impakter website

Emily Takeuchi