Drink to your health! - The Plant Cafe Organic's Ginger Lemonade - 3 ways!

With fall nearing the corner -  the air becomes cooler, the sun sets earlier, and flu season begins to round about. We wanted to give you this flexible recipe that will allow you to boost your immune system and keep you refreshed all the way till the holiday season! 

Ginger has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects and is also perfect for calming nausea, aiding in digestion, and fighting respiratory infections. Lemons add a powerful boost of Vitamin C and is great for detoxifying from the inside out! This combination sweetened with a bit of agave makes the perfect base for a refreshing lemonade with a little kick that invigorates the body! 

Recipe: Ginger Lemonade  (yields 4 servings)

Here is the base recipe (scroll down for modifications to spice things up!) 


  • 3-4 lemons 
  • 2 knobs of ginger 
  • 1/3 cup of agave
  • 32 oz of still or sparkling water 


  1. Slice lemons and freshly squeeze (**feel free to use a juicer for the ginger and lemon if you have this item available)
  2. Grate ginger into a cheesecloth and squeeze fresh juice out. 
  3. Combine fresh lemon juice, fresh ginger juice, 1/3 cup agave together in a pitcher.
  4. Add 32 oz of water or sparkling water with the lemon ginger mix and stir well. 
  5. Feel free to serve chilled, hot, or with ice cubes. Add some fresh lemon slices for garnish - see modifications below 

Ginger Lemonade - 3 ways using our base recipe! 

  1. SPRINKLE with CAYENNE and serve chilled! Garnish with lemon slices, fresh mint leaves, and a 1/2 tsp of cayenne pepper sprinkle on the top. Cayenne pepper is great if you feel a bit run down or under the weather as it can help with congestion and sore throat pain)

  2. ADD SPIRULINA and serve chilled! -Add 1/4 tsp to a small 2 oz pour of lemonade, stir and dissolve. Pour 6 oz of the ginger lemonade over ice and add the spirulina for a beautiful pop of green color and a boost in calcium, protein, and B vitamins! Garnish with sliced lemon and fresh mint leaves. 
  3. SERVE HOT and Try it with a CINNAMON STICK!  - Add a cinnamon stick is great for an added warming spice! Garnish with sliced lemon.